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Oral Hygiene Care

The importance of oral hygiene care is something that can’t be skipped and is an absolute must for everyone. Oral hygiene encompasses proper brushing, flossing and maintaining cleanliness of our oral cavity, including teeth, gums, tongue and the inner lining of our mouth. However, if you are someone who has recently been diagnosed with cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, etc, maintaining good oral hygiene is extra special and mandatory. This is because the use of chemotherapy might often make you prone to have more dryness in your mouth, cause sores or ulcers and considerably affect your ability to taste, chew food or talk. Oral hygiene care is equally important, if not more, in case of post-operative case of oral cancers that often involves plastic surgery reconstruction.

However, with our V Care experts, we provide 360-degree solutions to combat oral health problems, including providing remedies for improving your overall oral hygiene care. There’s provision of expert counselling on practices that can be implemented in your daily life, such as brushing teeth twice a day, foods to avoid, regular dental check-ups, etc. Our expert personnel makes home visits to properly scrutinize the condition of your mouth, taking necessary steps, such as washing for intra-oral hygiene that ensures proper healing. Moreover, we also provide treatment and medication as per the requirement of the patient after a thorough examination and check-up by our specialists and doctors.

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